Saturday 27 May 2023


27 May 2023

Bule Kesurupan Masuk Ke PURE

mp4 uncensored available ...
This unusual sighting occured at the Balinese danse near Ubud Palace (Puri Saraswati) on Monday 22 May . The danse was interrupted by a streaker  Was it drugs? Who knows? 

She was deported back to Germany, refused to get on the plane and is now in a home for mentally disturbed pple, the Bangli Mental Institution.

What's also interesting is how the audience - the Western audience - reacted ... or rather didn't! Noone batted an eyelid.

We remember the incident at Lords cricket ground where the policemen ran up and tried to cover the offenders part with his helmet ha ha.

If the audience had been jarvanese tourists and not foreign, their reaction would have been the same only much stronger. There would have been large numbers of outraged people from the audience immediately trying to cover this girl up with anything that they had to hand....Even to the point where several of them may have themselves found themselves naked ha ha!

But not these Westerners, no, not us. Stiff upper, errrr, lip.


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