Wednesday 31 May 2023


30 May 2023

Today we look at the arguments for and against Swedish membership of NATO, before turning to the context as part of American foreign policy, possible consequences for Sweden keeping in mind events in Ukraine, and alternatives to current American goals.


Sweden doesn't need to be in NATO. There is no threat to Sweden from Russia. This is all a propaganda campaign for enlargement and Sweden has been on the list for a long time due to its excellent defence industry, which NATO hopes to use more widely.

Joining NATO is only beneficial to Swedish defense companies such as: Saab, Bofors*, Hägglunds** et al. (*part under Saab, part under BAE; **now under BAE) and will confer zero net benefit to the Swedish taxpayer as billions will be spent annually to meet NATO minimum defense spending targets - money that could be spent on supporting new industries of the future, education or healthcare.

This is a nonsense campaign to capitalise on the Ukraine conflict so as to scare the general public of Sweden and Swedish MPs in particular into thinking there is a huge threat, when there really isn't one at all.


On the contrary, Sweden has invaded Russia twice in the past.

Nowhere in the public record is there any utterance by Putin saying that he has any hostile intentions towards Sweden.

On the other hand, I imagine that if Sweden joins NATO and NATO plants nuclear weapons pointed at Moscow on its territory, then I think Sweden will come in for a new kind of attention from Russia.


So, $2t in Afghanistan and $5t in Iraq. How much in Vietnam? And Syria, Libya. How's Iran going?.....long list of expensive foreign policy disasters. Oh and tell us about the success of the "worldwide" sanctions on the economies of the West. And Ukraine is shaping up to be far and away the greatest of all Great American Disasters.

How do they all end? With America cutting and running in humiliating defeats, leaving behind them a dazed people wondering what has just happened to them, and decades of suffering and destruction.


So what confidence can anyone have that the situation in Ukraine will turn out any differently, this time in America's favour? Against a nuclear-armed Russian Federation with most of the world supporting Russia?

None whatsoever - this is a war America will lose, for military and moral reasons, and it will bankrupt America and "the collective West" from all points of view.

For it is not only Ukraine that is being bled white in this proxy war - Ukraine has been well and truly conned - but from an economic point of view, so is Europe and in particular Germany; and this is America's purpose too.


This is all so utterly futile, disastrous and foolish from a European's point of view - and the FT, DT, Economist and MSM generally should immediately stop their misleading propaganda and get down to truthful reporting that is in the national interest, in the interests of our country and its people.

And the sooner we kick the Americans out of our share of this continent the better. Once we achieve independence, we will wipe the floor with America and China (though I admit this is a 20-year Project).

Can people not see what is basically going on here? It is evident to me at least that this is the machinations of the American neocons, who are lining their own pockets and those of the military industrial congressional elite; and imagine that they are promoting American hegemony.

This is so utterly futile and ridiculous - just look at the litter of humiliating defeats America has suffered since and including Vietnam.


Just think of how all that war money could have been spent an initiative similar to China's Belt and Road ... or infrastructure, healthcare, education. And China is quietly catching up so fast. 

These neocons live in a virtual and highly selfish and immoral world of their own imagination. While back in the real world, we take the damage to our planet and our environment, our peoples and our economies, our prosperity, happiness and chances of success.

To protect our futures and The American Order (empire, of which we are a part). If ever regime change in America was needed, it is now.


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