Saturday 13 May 2023


13 May 2023

Message to the current govt of Ukraine


Perhaps if you had implemented Minsk II, or just not shelled the Donbas for eight years, or simply allowed the Russian majority in the East - build by Russia 250 years ago - to live their lives without forbidding them their language and culture.

If you'd shown respect for the diversity that was your citizenship.

But you behaved to antagonise and humiliate, you ignored UN resolutions, you kow-towed to the Americans' love of war when peace was offered you.

You threatened your neighbour's security, his existence even.

And now you're surprised when your big neighbour finally loses his patience with you and moves in to protect his own? Really?

Tell this to the families of the 250,000 who've lost their loved ones and breadwinners. You sacrifice your citizens and soon you will lose the country you say you so love. I don't believe anyone who loved their country and their people could be so foolish.

Very foolish. Very foolish indeed. You are a very foolish, dishonest and corrupt leader.


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