Monday 24 April 2023


24 April 2023

America is run by Corporations. Corporations are owned by a handful of extremely wealthy people. America is, then, run by oligarchs.

Socrates tells us that democracy descends into oligarchy because, although we were all equal at the start, over time some people get rich while the majority poor have to borrow to survive. When they can't pay back the rich man takes the land. Unlike food, money is addictive and you can never have enough of it.

He says that the oligarchy attempts to establish itself permanently and this is called an aristocracy. The aristocrats enrich themselves at our expense and they take away our land and our liberty and put us into bondage.

There is a revolution against this and democracy returns, involving debt forgiveness and redistribution and the emergence of a benevolent dictatorship (called at the time a "tyrant" ... how language has evolved!) 

and the whole three act play repeats.... from the democracy emerge certain people who manage to get rich and money is addictive so they take all the power and our liberty and our land etc ... "you will have nothing and you will be happy" sorts of people.

If any of this makes sense then the world divides into oligarchies and dictatorships and today we are watching the collapse of the West and according to Socrates, the emergence of new and true democracies.

It's a great story Ray dalio tells a modern version of that and Socrates and Dahlia have not just made this up but they have pulled their Theory from the embers of history, Socrates going back 800 years to the time of the Sumeriums and the Babylonians; and Dalio back 500 years from Dutch to British to American and now his Rise of China.

But never mind all that philobabble, it is made very clear and operational in Michael Kantrowitz's four-light dashboard...three lights red already and now the fourth is blinking ... crikey!


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