Saturday 1 April 2023


1 April 1023

To understand this war, it is necessary to get behind the propaganda.

The guy from St Petersburg that I recently met in the plane does not like having the tanks and nukes of the North American Terrorist Organisation (NATO) pushed further East since the end of the cold war, certainly since 2014, till now they are planted on Moscow's front lawn and pointing at the Kremlin.

He, like Putin, does not trust America. Would you, if the facts in these three vids, below, are to be believed.

1. A visibly irritated Geoffrey Sachs rehearses the facts one more time. - Geoffrey Sachs

2. A daily commentary on the Ukraine war which is usually structured with an opening comment on the content he will discuss followed by the situation on the battlefronts and then an analysis taken from various articles published in the world's quality press. - Mercouris

3. Generally recognized  in The West as the "chief contrarian" and proponent of offensive realism as a International Relations (IR) school of thought - Mearsheimer
He explained what we knew already - if Ukraine doesn't fight "to the last Ukrainian" (I think it was a member of the Biden administration who created this meme)  they won't get into the EU and even more importantly they will not get any security guarantees, so Kiev having made an enemy of Moscow by bombing East Ukraine ("Novorossiya" - New Russia built by Catherine the Great and Potemkin in the late 18th century, in Ukraine since the dissolution of Soviet Russia), they'll be at the mercy of Russia.

In a war of attrition, it's the first to lose the will to fight or the material with which to fight, who will lose the war; and that's true here unless it goes nuclear and then all bets are off. 

While Putin's objective at the start of the war was to demilitarize Ukraine and denazify, as he called it, the government in Kiev, in the light of experience his objectives now seems to be to eliminate the Ukrainian army as a threat and to keep Ukraine neutral i.e out of NATO and to retain the eastern part of Ukraine, probably down to Odessa and possibly to include Transnistria, as part of the Russian Federation.

Everyone is waiting for this spring offensive when a "rabo de toro de lidia" will be made for consumption by Poland and Russia and there'll be a rump steak for Ukraine.

Maybe if you have the interest, click on Mearsheimer first.


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