Friday 24 February 2023


24 February 2023

In the States, there's Tulsi Gabbard who speaks the truth about this war. There was Gen Millie. Who else? And who is identifying the real threats to American hegemony that come from the neocons and this war? And who is speaking up for Europe and European independence and even our "greatness"?

Truth is, there's very little opposition to the "magical thinking" we are fed.

It's not surprising. For the last two decades leading countries from the Rest of the world outside the West have been growing restless, you might say, at the American Order. We move from cold war Bipolar world, to 1991 Unipolar, to since 2017 multipolar, with the SCO, BRICS, now Russia/China/Iran. Using its reserve currency status, America lives on credit and makes war and terrorises, in the name of "freedom and democracy" where it can't get its way.

That is the sweep of history and this war is simply accelerating America's exit as the Rest form alliances and build alternatives to the US Dollarand. That's reality.

But the magical thinking, ok call it propaganda, is needed to keep us calm while this process of being engorged takes place. 

All the nonsense that some readers who post on the DT, FT or Economist seem to believe, the role of the MSM in giving the correct swerves from the MoD to the general is all to keep us in our place, believing it will all turn out for the best, rather than our leaders having to face us with reality and get massive public disobedience. It was a bit like that with covid.

But it doesn't have to be like this. If only brave politicians in Europe would stand up and call a spade a spade and create a vision for Europe instead of this hopeless, impotent, fawning at the coat-tails of America.

There's Orban and Giorgia Meloni and a couple of voices in the EU..who else?


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