Tuesday 21 February 2023


It is very easy for any mature person to attack Joe Biden and the neo cons on the conduct of its relations with Russia war, in the light of the coming scarcities of batural materials, price hikes and damage to the planet.

After all, for the last 70 or 80 years we have enjoyed an abundance of energy, commodities and products & services and all at low prices and a clean planet as well.

Now, we are entering a time where most of what we want and need will be in shorter supply, and higher in price than we can really afford, and in addition we risk destroying the very planet on which we live.

So any mature person would see terminating this war as an immediate priority, and getting back to important subjects like climate change and the energy transition as priority. 

Basically, they would say, let's save what we've got and become more efficient and effective in how we deliver growth - if there is any growth left - growth and prosperity, stop soiling our beautiful planet and avoid damaging physical conflicts.

Please, no negative replies or further warmongering. Concentrate on winning the battle to get these oaves round a negotiating table.


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