Wednesday 8 February 2023


8 February 2022

This war with Russia goes back a long way. Why and how to find a permanent peace?

There was The Great Schism even, that's how far back. But the basic fundamental truth is (my opinion) found in the geography. Russia is a huge plain without natural borders, hence v likely it will have one regime, be one country ... one empire in a sense, as fighting originally united all the tribes.

Russia from the Urals to the Atlantic? That is the threat - a land power against a sea power.

As the plain drops down into eastern Europe, there are a series of natural breaks - Baltic Sea, Carpathian mountains, to name but two of nine. So this separates Russia, the country, from Europe.

But those natural breaks, or obstacles, have  gaps - through which Russia has been invaded over 50 times... even Canada has invaded Russia.

This is why Russia seeks (historically) to expand westward - it is to take and to plug those gaps, for its security.

This makes Russia's "near abroad" the most likely theatre for war in the world.

Bearing this in mind, personally I would favour Russia joining western military and economic alliances. But alas, America, Europe's "protector" won't have this and prefers war.

Why does America want war (when Europe wants peace.. at least, its interests lie in peace)? To weaken all potential rivals : Europe (Russia and Germany) today ; China tomorrow ; (yesterday was the Middle East and they messed that up too).

So I don't have a lot of confidence in America's ability to solve this problem. NATO advancement is now about cutting Russia off from its warm water ports, stopping Russian-speakers from cultural assembly and regime change in Moscow with breaking Russia up into small states that can be divide and rule.
None of these three prongs will work - we'd all be incinerated first!

The fundamental cause of this war can be found in geography, the politics of security (International Relations), and America's answer - to nobble all rivals - is OK, but not by a strategy of war. War does not suit Europe. But peace in Europe does not suit America and this is an absolutely ruthless war with no winners.


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