Saturday 4 February 2023


4 February 2023

Fully agree with Tucker's analysis and conclusions. The way he sensationalises is so funny and that is why people watch him.

After all, what has he just said?

 Boris went to Washington to promote a world war, but refused an invitation to appear on Tucker's show because he is afraid of the questions he'd face.

It would be a war for democracy except the people haven't been consulted and don't want it.

 Consider the position of Lindsay Grahame: a neo-con on foreign policy and an extreme liberal on immigration. (A neo liberal is a no-borders virtue-signaler - the "neo" part - who puts everyone first irrespective of where, which nation-state, on the planet they live.)

Grahame successfully argued for sending Abram tanks to Ukraine and now wants the US to send F16 fighter jets. He also opposed Trump on the wall.

Sending F16 fighter jets would mean America becoming directly involved in a war with a nuclear-armed superpower, and from there it's a short step to exchanges of nuclear missiles and thereafter ... oblivion.

 Now here is something that needs explaining : how can LG be an extreme neocon and an extreme liberal, yet also be  Trump's no.1 supporter in the Senate and campaign for and with Trump?

MAGA Trump, who pulls America out of wars and attacks NATO, America's creature for making war ; and Trump who wants a wall built and who believes in national borders. 

And the answer is that Grahame believes Trump will get the Republican nomination and be the next POTUS, and through Ottoman-style flattery of telling the ruler what he wants to hear, thriugh flattery Grahame seeks to subvert Trump's policies. As he did with Biden's on sending in the Abrams.

 Prefer direct assault and honest crticism to falsehood, flattery and subversion.


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