Sunday 4 December 2022


4 December 2022

If we think about things long enough, we do eventually get to understand what is going on.

For this subject, it helps to have the WEF goals - see The Great Reset, that paper published in Jan 2020 - in mind. They focus on revolutionary change in the energy industries (to overcome climate change that would destroy the planet), and in the digital industries (because innovation and productivity can assure continued prosperity even while the West's (the world's?...or just the Davos 1st world's) population shrinks and ages and retires).

We are talking about gov.ts in Europe and America (and Australia, NZ), leading these revolutions by force on their peoples.

But what do you call it when govt.s force "stakeholder capitalism" on corporations, allow only one voice and control dissent - control citizens - with changes on the statute books such as "hate crimes" and send in the police or FBI?

My interest in this WEF philosophy was piqued when I began to understand why ministers are quitting the Tory Party. It is not to do with the leadership Rishi Sunak, it is a realisation that the Tory Party will get panelled at the next election.

IS this because of their failures since May 2010 to manage the change needed to the benefit of the people of the UK? Or is it that in actual fact in the modern world there is no place for Tory values anymore, that the whole Burkian value-set is out of date and out of place?

So, is The Great Reset Marxist? 
Or is it a new, cleansing, puritan-type worship, western-style wahhabism served up by the secular mullahs of the universities? 
Or is it fascism-by-subsidies (instead of jack boots)?

Whatever, we have to know the enemy in all its states before we can destroy it.
And we need a clearly-articulated alternative.



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