Sunday 4 December 2022


4 December 2022

The russophobes recount the nonsense of MoD propaganda propagated through the MSM.

The most important migratory fact is that Ukraine will be emptied by the tens of millions of its people if this war continues. Already the Russian sympathisers in Ukraine have moved out to Russia, now all that's left is the Kievians - the other half of this civil war -  and they will be moving in droves in their tens of millions, into Poland and Germany and I guess many of them will make their way through to the shores of the UK.

100,000 ukrainian soldiers have been killed - Ursula von der Leyen tells us. Against under 10,000 Russian solders.

And once everyone has moved out what will be left? What will be left is the world's largest shooting range with Poland taking land in the West and Russia taking land as far as Odesa and perhaps southern Transnistrie in the East ... ie former Novorossiya. All that will be left is a landlocked Ukraine with no people.


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