Friday 9 December 2022


9 December 2022

There is something wrong in the heart of this American elite. They've come to hate America and especially middle America. What on earth is going on?

Reasons to be proud of the West's achievements

We doubled life expectancy by introducing antibiotics, insecticides and vaccines to the world. Bear in mind that nine out of 10 Africans would not be here today if it hadn't been for that.

There is no way that we got rich by pillaging the third world, not at all. It was because we were powerful, more powerful, that we were able to colonise the world; and in so doing we gave value to stuff under the ground that the people who live there would have passed over. We gave value to oil when we invented the internal combustion engine  We have value to uranium when we invented nuclear fission and fusion. We gave value to other commodities. We did not take it.

Stupidly you might say, we opened our society to the whole world and people wherever they are can more or less come and go freely in our country - you imagine being given a passport to live in Saudi Arabia or China (not that you would want one). So successful has the West been that everyone else wants to come and live in our system and no one here wants to live in their miserable systems. It's the other people who have closed societies and are racist - there are no white supremacists in the West.

The West continues to dominate the world due to its Greek and Roman inheritances, its Christian values and protestant work ethic, and its rationality. By rationality, I mean reason and logic over feeling and mysticism.

We have energy, we are dynamic and innovative and that energy is turned into force, albeit far too aggresively in America's case. We are independent, free spirits, responsible, innovative. We have better rules and institutions. We have, or had, capitalism - we invented it! Compare our successes with  communism and islamism.

Unfortunately, the zero people who came here from different cultures, the believers in big govt from the universities, the passives, the dreamers who pray and say we're here to prepare for the next world, the wierdies who don't really want a better world for their kids... this lot are not part of the majority, yet their voice counts more than ours! In earlier times they would have been obliged to conform and integrate and be loyal, today they destroy us from within.

Finish the rant now, ok.


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