Monday 7 November 2022


7 November 2022

Now here is a puzzle for us and maybe a bigger puzzle for me only because I am closer...

I m very curious about G22 next week. Zelensky has refused to attend if Putin is there. Other leaders have said that Putin's hands are covered in blood and our MSM tell us that no-one wants to be at the same table as him.

I think Putin will not come to Bali.

Actually I am very curious. Bali is closer, I am not like you as that war is far away...well, further from my reality.

Concerned but less tense than Europeans, Europeans are waiting for the bombs to fall.

So, tell me, will Zelensky and Putin meet in Bali? Or will Putin want to avoid what could be a public relations disaster?

That is the question... what do you reckon?

Here is one answer:

🤣🤣🤣 Reckon Putin won't attend. The Western leaders will use the conference to try and humiliate him. Loads of PR opportunities for those leaders to show how virtuous they are. Even inviting Zelinsky tells you all you need to know about the agenda.



So 15 of the countries invited to attend the G20 at Bali, 15 out of the 20, won't attend Iif Putin does because - so they say - Putin has blood on his hands. That's remarkable. Even more remarkable is there all diplomat's and politicians and so people who believe in the value of listening and negotiating.

But we also know that these are the 15 followers of America out of the 20 - and we also know that 135 out of 195 countries who were asked to vote at the UN either  abstained or voted in favour of Putin.

So it looks like it may not be a vote simply about this war, but more an ideological vote of the Developed North vs the Underdeveloping Global South.

Very worth noting that the Indonesian Prime Minister who is hosting this is keen that Putin should attend and his country is a member of the global South

What I think is important to say is that the north, its ideology is Liberalism. This is important as the North appears very  hypocritical.


What is liberalism?

Liberalism is about freedom of expression, open borders, market economies, the rule of law, international law.

And importantly here, Liberalism is about tolerance of the other. In its original form, Liberalism only required the state, the state to be there as Judge, to intervene in cases of a dispute between two parties who couldn't resolve a matter on their own - in other words, Liberalism meant tolerance and respect for the freedom of others.

The idea of liberalism is that every man and every woman should be free - free to have their own beliefs, religion, orientation... and that colour and other charscteristics should make no difference.

And that these Human Rigjts are Universal, the same the world over, which unfortunately means these blimming Americans go around trying to impose their universal human rights on everyone and bombing them flat if they don't accept!

Point being that the very same people who believe in universal human rights are also the people who now discriminate against anyone with a Russian passport and "cancel" anyone who doesn't agree with them.

So for reasons of hypocrisy no Putin will not be listened to and that's because he won't be there to talk, excluded, "cancelled" by an ideological unthinking woke culture


Here some quotes and then my opinion....

The word woke became entwined with the Black Lives Matter movement; instead of just being a word that signaled awareness of injustice or racial tension, it became a word of action," according to Merriam-Webster. "Activists were woke and called on others to stay woke."

But the meaning of woke evolved again with the rise of "cancel culture" -- as the two terms saw increased use, they became intertwined in the public consciousness. Often, someone gets canceled after they say something insensitive – something not woke.

So in addition to meaning aware and progressive, many people now interpret woke to be a way to describe people who would rather silence their critics than listen to them.

And the activism side, which means shutting up your critics, goes into all areas of social policy like education and health, even story books for children, and is also adopted by all the personnel departments in large private companies.

So now "Woke"no longer so much a racial term, as an ideological term. 


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