Thursday 3 November 2022


Zelensky called for pre emptive nuclear strikes on Russia.

You have to trawl through hundreds of years of history to get the real deep sense of russophobia 
and this will help to understand why one side or the other will take the entire world with it rather than surrender
Still, look on the bright side, we do have a choice of suicides - not gun, jump off cliff or gas yourself - it's nuclear oblivion, economic the industrial ization and collapse into starvation, then there's climate wipeout, or Civil War.
A last martini anyone?

Well that's an interesting point that the USA won't let Russia out of this war and isn't interested in negotiating a peace.

Russia does have nuclear weapons as one of a number of strategic tools for use in the case of threats to its existence. That existence now includes these four regions.

America knows this but has no way of taking out Russia's  nuclear deterrence other than regime change.

So seems like Russia is protected.

Is Ukraine protected from Russian advances and retaliation? Russia's just scatter-bombed the country and all that's happened so far is name-calling.

It's true that Putin has been too timid and too hopeful. He undermanned. He avoided the nerve centres (I dont know why, maybe I'm wrong, I don't understand why he pulled his punches).

But now the cavalry is on the brow of the steppe, the brave 300,000. Plus new generals with steel in their veins and lead in their pencils.

"As I said many times" the best thing that could happen to Europe is if Ukraine loses this war. Make friends, turn on NS2 and get back to work. Kick out those awful oversexed Americans. It's surely the turn of the shiny new currency, the Euro.

Is it too late? Probably.

There's an awful lot of news every day on this war but that should not distract us from focusing on the one importent thing which is 

the nuclear threat.

I read what Kennedy said after the Cuban missile crisis. He said that man thinks that he's in control, but there's always room for an accident and in general we forget in our arrogance the part played by chance.
"I have seen something else under the sun: 

The race is not to the swift 
or the battle to the strong, 
nor does food come to the wise 
or wealth to the brilliant 
or favour to the learned; 
but time and chance happen to them all.

How mad is that?

Putin is intending detonate nuclear weapons two or three hundred kilometers from Moscow

America to deploy nuclear ready b52s to australia......bombing Indonesia or Samoa????

You don't have to be a Putinist to tell stories of covert CIA operations against Russia - just read America's own official archive.

One interesting point coming out from reading that is to realise that not simply will America refuse all negotiation with Russia, no, the idea is that America will never permit Russia to have any zone of influence whatsoever in Eastern Europe, period.

Since Russia considers that attempts to take from it Ukraine - or at least Eastern U (Germany having "stayed behind" in the West from summer 1944 to the present) - are rather like an attempt to pull out its front teeth, and that America can permit no Russian zone of influence along mackinder's fault line in Eastern Europe, as inherited by George Kennan, we can see that this conflict can only really lead to total defeat of one side or the other, and that in turn seems to imply a war that can only be won using nuclear weapons.

(Sorry, long sentence.)

Plus, I guess that any delay by America in achieing this objective is simply the time it takes for America to catch up with with Russian nuclear technologies and to develop a means to knock these Russian systems out before they can be fired.


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