Friday 21 October 2022


22 October 2022

When the bombs come raining down on Western heads, when Western economies collapse in ruins, only then will European leaderships, MSM and publics,wake up to realise the terrible blunder it has made in supporting America against our own main supplier of energy and raw materials.

When did Russia ever aggress Europe? On the contrary.

What a terrible mess the American neo-cons have made of everything. Long ago it was South America. Then the Middle East. Now it's Europe and Russia.

Our best national interests are served by linking cheap inputs to our industries from Russia, with our skills and technologies. Just think how powerful and prosperous would be such a New Europe.

...And America knows this. Which is why it is doing what it is doing. It is the old trick of create chaos and disaster and divide and rule.


"Most politicians are stooges of America’s Military Industrial Complex. The Ukraine war is a massive financial opportunity for defense establishments and they will ensure the conflict prolongs as long as possible."

That is true, but it goes deeper. It is geopolitics first, then economics.
Far as I can understand, this fear of Russia, it seems like you could trace it all the way back to The Great Schism.

If that seems to fanciful, at least look at Versailles and Yalta to see that Russia was cut out, but also that Russia came back. And again now, Russia is back after 1991.

Or if you want a smaller picture, take a look at those American promises in 1991 to keep its distance; look at America's 2008 promise to include Ukraine in NATO (this is real-world power do you imagine the Kremlin felt about NATO tanks rolling up its "near abroad"?)

Look at the Minsk Agreements of 2014/5, the American-orchestrated coup in 2014 in Maidan when the far-right and its corrupt oligarchs got into power in Kiev, the shelling of the East (the Russian speaking Donbas,  created by Catherine II and Potemkin (*) in the late 18C) by Kiev, subsequent Russian warnings and American funding, the annexation of Crimea (again! 1783, 1953, 2014), the intensification of Kiev shelling and eventually the Russian riposte on 24 February.

I regret to say this, because what is best for Europe is a reformed American Order, but the American elite are a pack of mad dogs - no negotiations or off-ramps, all bridges burning and Ukraine an abattoir in a suicidal war against Russia. Is this any way to behave? Or is it state-sponsored terrorism?

Consider: decades of Cuban sanctions for their revolution, the Contras in Nicaragua, death squads in El Salvador and  Guatemala; the horrors of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan; now it is the turn of Russia and soon it will be China. Do we want this? What will be left of mother Earth?

And the bombs keep falling.

* Potemkin founded Novorossiya - the towns of Kherson, Nikolayev, Sevastopol, new Odessa and Ekaterinoslav. Ports in the region became bases for his new Black Sea Fleet.

Potemkin was a remarkable figure, all the more so as he was probably bi-polar:


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