Sunday 2 October 2022


2 October 2022 further note 5 October see at end

We  can eliminate most states as responsible for the pipeline sabotage, but what evidence is there against America?

The Europeans especially the Germans are truly donkeys for not seeing how America has destroyed their economies their interests and their future.

While it's pretty obvious that Russia has no interest in blowing up its own pipelines it is interesting to note a bit of history...

There was a previous attempts - Brassova pipeline by Reagan in 1982; in 2015 when drone loaded with explosives approached the pipelines but was detected by Sweden and chased off Sweden has never said who sent these drones but has said that they are Western drones ie not Russian

The explosions took place near a little island which is absolutely loaded with submarine listening points and they're not Russian. They were put there on this Danish Island, which is on a strait that the Russians must use to hit the Atlantic from the Baltic  ( of course knowing this it's inconceivable that the Russians would choose to blow the pipeline up at this point.) We know from Tucker Carson that Biden said in January and Victoria Newland said prior to that,  that they would blow up these pipelines... they would have them

The American navy - you can read it in Sea Power - sent out an expedition to recky that area on the 10th of June

The Americans were conducting naval exercises at the time of the explosions above the pipelines, or within 30 and 50 km of them

The Americans were very much against these pipelines from the start and more recently they counselled Europe against NS2, whilst at the same time importing Russian oil and gas themselves. 

The Americans pushed Europe and Germany into the sanctions whilst promising a LNG replacement and then once the sanctions were passed, they annoumced that they don't have any LNG to sell! So already the Americans are withdrawing from the sanctions, leaving the Europeans trapped.

Another idiocy that the Europeans believed was that sanctions would cripple Russia - we were told that Russia is like Italy... except that Russia has no debt and can easily find customers to the east. And the stupid Europeans couldn't anticipate this and had made no preparations, not even for this year 2022!

It's also worth remembering that when sanctions were first imposed, for Crimea in 2014, the oil price was very low and so they caused considerable damage to the Russian economy. But today, the oil price is at its highest. Also, those 2014 sanctions affected all the gear you need to extract oil and so meantime the Russians have developed their own tool. So really, the sanctions this time, the Europeans took no notice whatsoever of the likely consequences - neither on themselves, nor on Russia.

It seems pretty obvious that the sabotage was aimed at Europe and Germany in particular, as Russia was, and is, already isolated; and the sabotage at ensuring Germany doesn't, can't, backtrack on its committment to sanctions. 

The Europeans say they're going to get to the bottom of this, but they are in far too weak a position to combat America and instead they blame Russia saying that it's Russia trying to show what it's capable of - how ridiculous is that? And the European public are suffering and will suffer even more and yet they continue to support the completely irrational sanctions and the European media stifle any news on public protests - for example all summer long Dutch farmers were protesting, but there's nothing in the news even though the police fired on them; or the shelling of the Donbas by Kiev for six+ years with the deaths of 14,000 ukrainians, or the Maidan coup, or the non-implementation of Minsk, or digging up dead soldiers and parading them as atrocities, or Boris forcing Zilensky to backtrack on his peace offer on 29 March, or the shelling of a queue of voters in the referendum this week. Why no reporting?

How could the politicians reverse direction after all their bitter attacks on Russia, without looking really stupid?

And why is it that the media are so insistent in its criminal or near-criminal attacks on Russia; the resulting blockage of all possible diplomacy and negotiations; and the growing racism and hatred the people - and the EU - have for Russia?

It's only by talking that we will end this conflict and so the Europeans must agree to talk and to be perfectly honest they will have to look reality in the face and see the hand of America behind all this trouble.

5 October 2022

Further info has reached me...

I didn't realise, but Sweden buys electricity from Russia and Ukraine and the electricity  cable, the massive cable, passes alongside the oil pipeline and nearby to it. The curious coincidence is that although it is extremely costly and dangerous to turn off and restart this massive electricity supply, just two days before the sabotage explosion Sweden turned it off to avoid the risk of electrifying and destroying its power supply.

The pipeline itself is designed and built to withstand almost any terrorist attack ... well any, meaning any act of sabotage requires special knowledge, planning, equipping and financing. The pipeline is 4 cm thick steel, covered with a further 15 cm of of plating, buried 90 metres down in the briny.

There were four explosions: just before the valve assemblies and just after the assemblies; at this strategically significant Bornholm island situared near Sweden, an area under 100% NATO surveillance. There were American submarine exercises nearby last 10th June.

According to the protocol from the pipeline insurers, in the event of a leak, the pipeline must be kept full at high pressure with gas to keep the water out. However, the cost of this is absolutely astronomical and after a week the Russians stopped that. So presumably the pipeline is now full up with seawater.

The upshot is that it would quite possibly cost less to rebuild the entire pipeline than to try and repair it, so we are told.

And Germany is starting to get really hopping mad at America.

Worth noting that the Swedes turned off that electricity just at the approach to their winter So someone must have tipped them off.

Also worth noting that there is no country in the world - including America - that could rationally have an interest in blowing up that pipeline, including America. America with its fracking is destroying its own water table in order to extract a very dirty gas of very poor quality; and furthermore it has said that it doesn't have enough anyway to sell to Europe. (No need to build that expensive infrastructure for re-gasifying the LNG from America.)

The plain fact of the matter is that Europe has no alternative to Russian gas and without Russian gas there will be no or little fertiliser, no food, no industry, no heating homes in Winter. At what point will Europe tell America to shove off? And what would America do - because a Europe linked to Russia, with Russian resources and European capital and technology, would be more than a match for America ... and this is America's greatest fear.

For those who enjoy the-end-of-the-world is nigh stories, this is it, this is the big one.

What difference throwing in a few nuclear?


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