Saturday 22 October 2022


22 October 2022

It's true that the Conservative Party membership have a love affair with Boris, but I don't think it goes any further than that - not into the country and certainly not into the financial and investment districts.

If it's true that investors are calling the shots these days, then it looks like Rishi. Or if it is the Tory "men in grey suits", then surely re-electing Boris with all his pranks is a further help to Kier Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, already 30% ahead in the polls. Or the public: re-elect the person who led the UK out of the European Union and who strongly supported Ukraine and flew to Kiev to warn Zelensky against  negotiations in the war.

A process for lying to parliament is pending against Johnson and if convicted then as an MP he must resign, leading to the fifth UK prime minister since Brexit.

It was always a myth to think that politicians of yore were there to serve the national interest, even if "the national interest" could be defined. No, politicians have always been out for themselves... but what of Rishi?

Because there is reason to think that his political self, his page in history, may be more interested in serving the country; rather than his financial self whose pockets are already very well lined.

Whoever, it's the last throw of the dice for the Conservative Party.


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