Sunday 25 September 2022


25 September 2022

There's an expression that says the road to hell is paved with good intentions:

Abandoning fossil fuels to halt climate change was one, but the coal mines are being reopened, the EU is shutting its nuclear power stations and there'll be fracking in the UK within six months.

The West thought it could collapse the Russian economy with sanctions within weeks, in fact Russia's revenues and the rouble have soared.

We've given up cheap energy, grain, fertiliser and metals to buy Russian oil off the Saudis and Indians and dirty gas at five times the price off the States and Russia is permanently switching its cheap supplies to competitor industries in Asia.

The EU says it is defending our Western values, but it goes begging Azerbaijan for energy, when Azerbaijan is flattening Armenia. 

The EU is a socialist project that is preparing rationing for its people and huge and unnecessary bungs from future taxpayers, to bail out the budgets of industry and ordinary people.

Europe - which includes the UK - has ceded sovereignty over its foreign and energy policies to America, whose principal IR goal is to weaken Europe as a competitor - which includes Russia.

The peoples of Europe are facing hyper-inflation and still paying VAT, while energy companies are making unprecedented profits.


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