Friday 23 September 2022


23 September 2022

I don't know about you, but I find that everywhere, current affairs gets a more and more insistent pro-western gov.ts swing.

What used to be my preferred channels are dishing up gov.t slops, whereas I used to find them interesting. Even the data is just wrong!

We are being pushed into an opposition anti-Western camp, where I become cynical, but this is not at all where I want to be. I have big interests in proper order and progress in the West, where I live. I want a democratic government which is focused on its existing people - not on the next election, not on the rich, not on other global players, not on outsiders. A government with a vision and a convincing strategy for getting there and not just governments full of crisis managers going for double or bust with absurd foreign policies like integrating Ukraine into Nato and the EU, or defeating Russia if necessary with nuclear.

What's all this about Truss' "dash for growth" and Kwarteng threatening a (nominally) independent Bank of England, and at the expense of the environment and net zero too? You can reduce taxes and regulations and for a time prolong the aire of prosperity, but the only way to get authentic growth is through productivity and there's no plan I've seen for that.

To cover their policy failures and true intentions, they dice us into numerous identity camps and distract us by then setting us against each other with the politics of  division.

This all seems to ultimately to go back to the American elite and their ideas that we in Europe have adopted, perhaps forced to adopt, of attempting to postpone the end of its cycle and using antagonistic methods, from outright war to cancelling, and its war against adverseries like Trump and criticising those whom he represents, the castouts. What do you expect from such provocation if not to trigger retaliation?

End of rant. What do you think? At least we are permitted certain channels like Alexander Mercouris for example, or Jordan Peterson, or Mearsheimer or even that awful Piers Morgan


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