Saturday 10 September 2022


This is what I just sent to my kiddies:

"Incidently, very pleased that you are setting goals, making a budget for things - like renovating the apartment, like the move to the new job - and making and monitoring a work plan to achieve what you want, within your resources.

I do think that over time you will start generating quiet considerable amounts of money and the thing there is to know how to invest so as to a) preserve what you make and to b) create further wealth.

So you are independent, standing on your own feet, and successful. You are happy in what you do and in your family. You've got friends and contacts for social and professional reasons who can always advise if needed and do you a favour.

"Familyness", that's what we want. It means you two share missions and support, and learn from your successes and your mistakes too.

Then the last bit of this is to know how to pass that on to your own kids, which sometimes might mean that you put them into situations where they have to sink or swim ie they have to learn for themselves, which generates in them great self-esteem and you as a parent can be confident your kids will succeed and pass on the baton to their kids. Even though you're always there in support, you don't takeover ... that's your legacy work.

(Remember we always had four things : successful, happy, network, legacy.)

On a different subject ...

I look forward (still) to hearing the three-part story of how you fit into the team; how the team fits into the company; and how the company fits into the industry. That's bottom up, or you can tell it top down, whatever, but I look forward to seeing the whole jigsaw puzzle please."


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