Tuesday 23 August 2022


23 August 2022

Alexander Dugin has been portrayed in the West as the frontman for Russia's deep  (military) state.

Dugin took his cue from a famous Glaswegian, Halford Mackinder.

Mackinder put geography in the driving seat of history, not economics. He created the school of Geopolitics.

He split the world into Europe/Asia/Africa, and America. With inner Asia (the tundran  plains of Russia rolling over the Carpathians into central Europe) as the heartland.

He split the peoples into land powers and sea powers, forever at war. Russia does not invade, it is invaded, being mother earth, by the Atlantic alliance, the sea power, the sky, of GB and now USA. War is our eternal fate!

And politics is inevitably authoritarian for a land power, they stay at home; cf the gregarious trading life of a sea power, naturally Liberal.

That's Mackinder and Dugin.

Mackinder saw Russia as Britain's adversary (this was 1904...Br handed over to the States).

Mackinder's famous sentence, which has resonated down through the decades, to be picked up by Dugin on the 80s:

“Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; 
Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; 
Who rules the World Island commands the World.”

So anyway, "bloodthirsty" is journalese - he wanted, wants, the former 14 back in the fold, it's true.
He is big at the Russian Military Academy.
He's a nationalist.
But "Putin's brain"? Noooo.


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