Monday 29 August 2022


29 August 2022

Looks like Russia is rebuilding mariupol v v quickly. Impressive.

That is a really amazing progress. Potemkin would be proud. Wonder if the Chinese will get in on, after all, construction is their bread n butter, they can slip these new pieces into their jigsaw silk road.

The Russians on the front line, wrecking and burning to rubble; then the Chinese following around after, building back better (but doing it - Boris' was just airbrush, Potemkin facades).

What a system!

The Russians did this in what is now Kaliningrad after the previous war. The city was in rubble. They cleared out all the Prussians, rebuilt into an attractive, modern country, offered numerous incentives for Russians and Kazacs and Ukrainians etc to move in, which they did rapidos - all mod cons, employment, nice weather and landscape ...

Yes Mariopol has a bright future and will up Russian GDP and make more citizens of the demographics of the next generation.

Maybe Mariupol will be the Milton Keynes or Livingstone of the New Novorussiya.


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