Sunday 7 August 2022


7 August 2022

So mad! Yes! it is the media running public opinion, on behalf of an oligarchy of the rich and a minorigarchy of the weird and the woke, in the absence of any political leadership on behalf of the majority and the public interest.

The public interest is for me about a fair distribution of wealth, opportunity and freedom to the majority.

Where are the politicians with a longer term view of what's good for the country and the strength of leadership to outdistance the polls?

Instead, for reasons most of us link to greed and self-interest, the political elite piles on risk after risk (just the latest being support for Pelosi's provocation...which I support, just not at this time), distracts us from the real issues with this trivia, and whose policies the track record shows lead to ruination.

"Dig her up!"

End of rant, ha ha ha


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