Sunday 28 August 2022


28 August 2022

It's a bit weird that even after six months of fighting in Ukraine, people seem largely ignorant of the real causes and real consequences of this war. They made up their minds on the 24th of February on the basis of almost no understanding and they haven't moved on in the light of new and relevant evidence. Each side battles on for total victory, indifferent to the appalling casualties and costs.

Applying logic to this crisis doesn't seem to work!

But why so irrational? 

Too proud to admit a mistake? Stuck in the rut of their ideology? Plain, lazy stupidity? Politics before reason?

Mearsheimer would probably tell you that it's about the balance of power and the resolve of your adversary. To end this war requires one side to show devastating, overwhelming force; and the other side to be completely dispirited. And I'd imagine that Russia, in the light of its experience since 1991, would never trust America and its allies in Europe to actually implement any peace settlement. And whatever happens Ukraine will continue fighting asymmetrically and sabotage any peace, once it officially loses the war.

It's just America bringing misery to the world and as usual. There'll be years of misery for us on both sides; and for future generations years of squalor paying off the stupid debt.

If Europe had pushed out America and taken responsibility for its future, as De Gaulle wanted, it would be top of the world now.


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