Monday 15 August 2022


Jacques Pepin paints

15 August 2022

There is a French quarter here, with quite a number of friendly, inexpensive restaurants. 

This last weekend, the dish of the day at one was "Daube de boeuf" - this is a beef bourguignon or Irish boiled beef and carrots, or Yorkshire stew, but there are intriguing key differences between Fr and Eng cuisine.

With the cubed beef soaked in cooking wine beforehand, salt pepper and rolled in flour before being sealed in hot oil and butter, then simmered with veg including celery (extremely hard to find here, and expensive) with a bunch of herbs - parsley, thyme, bay leaf, even rosemary, tied in a lot. 

Of course, after two or three hours of this, the veg are splattered as if hit by a HiMARS, so add more, and some shallots, and simmer for a further 20 minutes.

Serve with boiled potatoes, dob of butter and sprig of parsley on top.

Bon app' tlm


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