Wednesday 3 August 2022


3 August 2022

Another step towards nuclear oblivion.

We've known this for a long time anyway, we've known perfectly well that the strategy and the planning - not just the training and the supply of arms - is down to the Western powers

 if it's the M142 HiMARS, it's Lockheed Martin, it's the Americans who plan the launch

 if it's the M270 MLRS launchers with GMLRS munitions, it's still Lockheed Martin, but from British stocks, it's gotta be the British who plan the launch.

 if it's the MARS M270 Mittleres Artillerie Raketen System, it's Lockheed Martin more $$$$$$ ohhhh now I get it, from German stocks, it's gotta be the Germans who plan the launch. Target practise.

 if it's a Caesar truck-mounted artillery, it's the French 155mm 52-calibre self-propelled gun, it's Nexter Systems (formerly Giat), taken from French stocks (they are very worried about this as apparently they've already sent over almost half their stock), it's gotta be the French who proudly plan the launch and add the ghastly glossy photos to their marketing collaterals.

You can't expect reservists and pig farmers and remnants of a professional army to understand the ins and outs of these 1980s technologies!

They take us for fools.


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