Friday 26 August 2022


26 August 2022

Simple-minded banalities and prejudice. This is the diet fed to the public through official channels.

In the UK, the ministry of defence MoD publishes daily bulletins on its site, and these talking points are picked up by the mainstream media, which then goes into a little more detail, and this is fed to the British public, which is why so many people who have a diet of only mainstream media have such a restricted and false view of the causes and consequences of this conflict. That is how consent for this war is manufactured.

Today we are being told that while the cost of living in the UK has gone up as a result of this war, the British are paying in money for what the Ukrainians are paying with their blood. The French public, perhaps more honestly, are being told that this is the high tide of Western economic power and the end of the "period of abundance" and "the time for sacrifices" (not however that Western elites will have to shed blood fighting or much face inflation) ie the end of the consumption economy, petrol, electricity, the end of production.

Take a typical example of MSM propaganda.

Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, tells Bild in this article what he couldn't argue out with the Russians in negotiations, because Zilensky refuses to negotiate. How far can such simple-minded inanities recounted by him in this article, advance the cause of peace?

What's this about many people not willing to risk returning to Ukraine in the event of a "shaky peace"? They flood back as soon as the new administration is established. It is a fact. Not being too cynical, but probably first of all to check their belongings.

And Zelensky's adviser says investments would also not come to the country. But once Russia has got back "New Russia", it will build-back-better, just like Potemkin did, probably using Donbas' rich skills and resources.

Potemkine is described as "an able administrator, licentious, extravagant, loyal, generous, and magnanimous and the subject of many anecdotes".

As to the Turkish empire and "Khanet de Crimée", in 1776 Potemkin sketched out a plan for the conquest of Crimea and Crimea was peacefully annexed in 1783. 

He was also busy with his Greek project to restore the Byzantine Empire. At least, the Greeks were the first to colonise that area, Troy was on the Bosphorus, and when he built New Russia in the 1780s, many of the cities were given Greek names.

That article again? Hard to believe, yes ... our politicians get dumber and dumber and everything turns around their egos and fortunes. 

But the right thing to do on any dossier in their in-tray is first of all to get a full geo and history briefing from the civil service. Then a good politician would determine where lies the national interest, set goals and strategies at Cabinet, and hand back to the civil service for financing, programming and execution.

But not only is the country trapped by the incompetence, partisanship and greed of its leadership;

 also the govt is not sovereign, independent and free but in hock to American power and technology;

 also we-the-people let them get away with it, they take our freedom, privacy and humanity and trade us Deliveroo and Uber instead. 

No pride.

The worst thing that has come out of this war was when Germany decided to spend its hundred billion on American arms. We should be building an independent Eurasian platform. Europe could so easily beat the States and China hands down, and America knows this.


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