Saturday 30 July 2022


30 July 2022

 Liz Truss's thinking seems to be restricted and contained in rivers of cliches and I can just imagine the 169,000 Conservative Party voters waving their walking sticks in her favour because smartypants Sunak comes across as too slick and self-interested an operator.

There's no one who can think "outside the box" and get their head round the real-world issues and offer a clear coherent compact vision and path for getting there. Noone to provide a solid long-term leadership. There's no one there! There's no purposeful leadership, there is not that fundamental and simple grasp of the situation, no handles or ideas or options, only cliches, mental knots.

And in this situation of mental exhaustion, all the leaders in the west can do is offer distraction politics, like the woke or the war and China, all these other non issues - they are there to keep the people's attention away from the reality facing the West, to stop people mounting 6th January type insurgency operations, taking to the streets to shout their frustration at the stupidity and pettiness of the leaderships. 

The great thing about these non-issues is that whether they are resolved or not, they make absolutely no difference to the future, it doesn't matter one way or another, just the mass of ordinary people are given this mental food to chew on and digest.

It's a McDonald's political-mental diet really.

The West's leadership is the US and UK, but of course the West includes Europe as well as Japan and so on.

France has a pretty good leadership and there are many options that are widely and freely debated, but of course everything that happens in France is totally ignored and pushed aside by America. Same in Germany. 

So all that is left is the  American military, the only answer is violence. As they say, when all you have is a hammer, you make every problem look the same - a nail.

Japan just exists, it rots, it survives, it does nothing and goes nowhere.

And so we are looking across a sea but are incapable of formulating a destination. We are looking at a sea, at the parting of the Red Sea and looking through the channel to the other side we see China advancing towards us, strong, united, determined, the people seemingly marching in step with their leadership.

It's unlikely that China has the strength to make it all the way across the channel to our side of the sea, but along the way there could be much death and mayhem,  confusion.


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