Saturday 9 July 2022


9 July 2022

 Here, we will look at this American war in Ukraine from three perspectives: military, economic (sanctions) and diplomatic.

 So militarily, the Russians are advancing quite rapidly, albeit metre by metre rather than street by street, and now need a bit of time to re-group and to integrate the captured territory into Russian administrative systems. 

Ukraine is holding firm, waiting for Western arms; and longer-term for the effects of sanctions on the Russian economy and on Russia's being deprived of western technology. "We'll be back", they say, but this does not recognise Russian - human! - ingenuity.

Russia has won the war in the war in the Donbass, but can it hold it?

The sanctions seem to be working against the interests of the West. 

We know that Russia is a land full of resources on which the West depends, with a weak and vulnerable western frontier. But here is one possibly lesser-known example of the failure of the sanctions regime to grip the support of the world. 

India is buying Russian oil, I gather, at discounted prices and selling it on to the West. India's military is supplied by Russia. India stands geographically on the lookout to Middle East oil routes. India has not played in the trading setup provided by America and won't participate in the sanctions. 

Sanctions are shooting the west in the foot and rivals to the American trading reserve currency and to inter-bank transfer systems are being set up to shoot the west in the other foot.

The price the public is paying to support Ukraine is high and resistance is growing.

Diplomatically three quarters+ of the world is either against or at least does not support the West, meaning the effects of NATO containment policy, meaning do not support the USA & "Global Britain", with Europe being nothing more than an American protectorate. 

And now Macron publishing that confidential telephone call with Putin is final evidence that France can no longer hold its Gaullist internationalist position.

Although the West may hope for Russian support in any final conflagration with China, isn't the reality on the ground that Russia and China are increasingly cooperating on military, economic and diplomatic matters and the American order on which we depend is in peril?


The public need access to objective, neutral and balanced reporting, in order to assess what is an American war in Ukraine, from the military, economic and diplomatic positions.

If we then put these assessments into a longer-term perspective on the financial crisis, brexit, the pandemic, the Woke (Marxist) challenge and civil unrest, the Chinese "threat" ... where does that leave the future of the West?

Uncertain? Hanging on a thread? There is a lot of (stifled) dissatisfaction with the current leaderships, and eventually, as we know, history works to the benefit of the people. Was it the accumulation of scandals that forced Boris out or was it economic failure and a search for new goals, strategies and especially new winning plans?


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