Sunday 10 July 2022


10 July 2022

Our leaders have abandonned us.

Biden reads through the stage directions as well. He has no thoughts of his own. Kamala Harris is as vacuous, she is hairdresser material and gives hairdresser interviews.

You're left with a feeling of unreality, it's phony, our leaders have abandoned us for publicity and self-display on the international stage, they are out of ideas, they have no plans, the whole setup is Potemkin village.

Viewers of this Biden interview are left feeling weightless, with scores of missiles rushing past them, to thud into old familiar landmarks. The past is being wiped, rewritten, the headlines do not tell us the truth, the narratives are see-through propaganda, we are told by Biden and others that we are the white supremacist oppressors.

Disconcerting. End of the "unipolar moment", alas. Leaders on their way out everywhere across the Western world. Most of the world is privately wishing Russia wins, get rid of these arrogant American bullies, can't reform the USA, can't reform the EU, NATO is headquartered in Arlington County, Virginia, not Brussels. 

Reform of these and other institutions created after the last World War is impossible, just we wait for their collapse....but then a new Order will emerge and this is not going to be favourable to us and our interests.


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