Friday 22 July 2022


21 July 2022

I think everyone would like this American order because it keeps the shipping lanes open, sends capital to the most efficient parts of the world economy, and ensures everyone prospers through fair trade ... at least that was the founding rhetoric.

But the reality is that America has always been high on testosterone and and the government sees its only role as protecting and advancing American industry and its only method is Force.

But these sanctions have shown us that the world outside of Europe and America no longer listens or obeys us. Everyone wants an order with its rules and institutions and rule keeper, but no one wants to be dominated or pushed aside.

So we have to recognise that if we want to be respected and followed, this method based on Force has failed and it's because we no longer have a monopoly of power.

So to keep our leadership and our room for manoeuvre, we must operate by persuasion, by example and by conviction, not by imposition.

America and the UK have a very black and white view, it's got to be total victory, and they do not want or feel they need to talk to anyone, just load in the arms, training and money, and let me little ukrainians get on with the fighting. So the question is, how do you change this leadership attitude from conflict to cooperation and consensus? In America first of all.

We're busy voting in Liz Truss as our new leader - a neocon. I would judge her purely on her foreign policy as if things go wrong - as they are doing - there will be no domestic policy decided by a UK government.


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