Thursday 14 July 2022


The journalist today have been eaten up by the blob and become the soft power that sells America. The Intelligence agencies and the military prepare their daily briefings, which they send to the news channels, who then edit and publish them

Journalism used to be objective, neutral and balanced, but today it is subjective and political. 

Instead of being left to make up our minds, today we have the views of the elite that support their interest, repeatedly imposed on us. The elite manipulates and exploits the public at large, and serves itself from the wealth of future generations.

As you've probably guessed I don't really have a lot of faith in the Anglo-Saxon news channels. They seem extreme in their vehement support of causes that are wrong. They misrepresent and mislead their publics. US and UK governments, serving big business, cancel their opponents.

Whereas if you read the stuff from Deutsche World or from some of the French channels, they seem a lot more balanced, both sides are usually given fair and thorough hearings. Democracy seems to work better.


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