Monday 27 June 2022


It's all about debt and resources. What we want is to pay off the debt using someone else's resources and war is the best way to achieve that.

The debt can only be repaid through a massive asset deflation which will push the world into recession, or else by a hyperinflation which will completely burn off the currency, possibly a combination of deflation and hyperflation.

It seems that the American government's interest payments are around 120% of its tax receipts. That means it's printing money just to pay the interest, nevermind all its other commitments (consider by Dept of State, Health, Social, Veterans, DoD...).

If the US Govt puts up interest rates to deal with inflation, asset prices will crash and the economy will go into a probably long recession.

If instead it prints money in order to bridge that gap and remain solvent, then inflation will go through the roof and the debased currency will be attacked by those lending America money - they will lose all faith in the Central Bank and the economy and demand higher compensation for the raised risk of holding US bonds.

Don't you think it would be a fantastic scam-solution if the bank could scrap the US dollar, à la Weimarch - and go for some digital crypro-currency, going back onto a standard equivalent the gold standard it came off back in 1973.

And it will simply restore its balance sheet by stealing the resources of those it defeats militarily, notably Russia.

According to past form no doubt America will get Britain and France together to do the fighting and Germany will buy the weapons off the States


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