Monday 13 June 2022


Need to get real - there isn't a military soln short of complete destruction.
Need to recognise this and head for a negotiated compromise.
Reference: try the Prisoners' Dilemma: we are heading for the lose-lose quadrant. A re-think is needed to redirect us to win-win. It can be done  if the imagination and intelligence can be found.



America seeks to weaken Russia, going back to 1991, 1945 and 1916 and this is clearly stated in the 2019 Rand report RAND_RR3063 which lists strategic initiatives to obtain this. America wants to overthrow the current regime in Moscow. So this is the American Vision : a world without regional competitors that could threaten its world emperium.


What is the EU's vision for its future? What is the UK's? What is Russia's?

Russia is a vast territory full of commodities, comestibles and carbons. As a a trading partner with Europe, Russia is of the highest priority. Some form of alliance between Europe and Russia, between (a reformed) EU and Russia, would give Europe the chance to overtake America. Alienating Russia risks throwing it into the arms of China, a redoubtable potential enemy. So Old Europe should listen to Russia's fears, should calm new Europe (those countries from the former Soviet era lying on the border in central Europe and containing Russia's natural defences) by negotiating peace treaties. So this is the European vision of an alliance between Russia and Europe that is capable of economically beating America.


And as for Russia, the tide of history has seen its Western frontier ebb and flow, ebb and flow, Russia has been invaded over 50 times by most of its neighbours and even by Canada. So Russia would like security and stability in its Western frontier and while all the countries from Finland down through Ukraine and round into the Caucasus can be independent, they should also also be neutral.


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