Friday 10 June 2022


09 June 2022

How's the Ukraine war going?

It is not Zelinsky calling the shots, it's Blinken and the US foreign policy elite.

If zelinsky doesn't keep fighting "to the last ukrainien", UK PM Boris - acting no doubt on instructions from Washington - has told him NATO will withdraw its support. 

What would happen then?

Zelinsky couldn't go to his people, after all this suffering and destruction, and capitulate... could he?

So he'd have to watch the wrecking ball. Is there any hope for "peace without victory"?

There is a hope, it is with the Turkey process, started in March, stopped by Johnson (as above - he telephoned Zelinsky, then visited in person, to stop the peace process)...could this process be re-started? With other powers, like India and France...and Iran? ... oh ok.

It always goes back to America's fear of a regional hegemon, and Russia's fear of being defenceless, having lost most of the line of seas and mountains from Finland south across central Europe and round to Georgia and the caucuses, since NATO welched on its 1991 promise to the newly-emerging former soviets military-neutral.

Russia can't win and America can't lose. It's a fight to the death (the death of Ukraine), unless the rest of the world can shut them up.


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