Saturday, 21 May 2022


21 May 2022

Anyone who still thinks that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was "unprovoked" could take a look at the advice the American government commissioned from RAND and has been following for the last 3 years. 

Then, look back to Maidan 2014/5, a purely internal event? Or orchestrated by the CIA? Which led to Russia's officially annexing Crimea.

The RAND report examines a range of "nonviolent" measures - such as arming Ukraine - the United States could take to stress (it says "extend") Russia's military, its economy and the regime's political standing at home and abroad.

The "measures" (dark ops projects) would not have defense or deterrence as their prime purpose, although they might contribute to both. 

Rather, they would provoke Russia into competing in  areas where the United States has a competitive advantage, causing Russia to overextend itself militarily or economically or causing the regime to lose domestic and/or international prestige and  influence.

RAND presented their report in 2019. They developed 15 ops-proposals in all - here are six to destabilise Russia in the geopolitical domain:

Measure 1: Provide Lethal Aid to Ukraine
Measure 2: Increase Support to the Syrian Rebels
Measure 3: Promote Regime Change in Belarus
Measure 4: Exploit Tensions in the South Caucasus
Measure 5: Reduce Russian Influence in Central Asia
Measure 6: Challenge Russian Presence in Moldova.


The report


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