Friday 6 May 2022



  It is a cost to Russia maybe, but the really big costs are being born by America & UK. Europe is being bullied into following.

That senile fool in the White House is bragging about sinking the Moskva and shooting down a Russian transporyer carrying hundreds of young men.

Biden's advisors are openly calling for a war - this is war between two nuclear armed powers. (India and Pakistan? No, America and Russia.)

What you say is true: what we see doesnt fit with what we read

The people who know, military men, say that Russia will win in Ukraine.

Although right up to 23 Feb, most of us couldn't believe that America and Russia would be so stupid as to go to war with each other in Ukraine. But they did.

Now, Russia is doing what it always does, which is to totally trash the country. And Russia is now on top of the arms supply routes that were making a difference. They tell us the West is winning but actually the data points otherways. Truth is, there are no winners and the biggest losers are Ukraine and perhaps we haven't seen even a quarter of what is to come.

1.7 billion people in food insecurity and poverty because wheat, corn and fertiliser is not available in 2019 quantities and at prices .

Gas and oil we know about. Begging bowl out to pariahs Iran and Venezuela. Again, America is safe - far away, safe, independent.

Sanctions against Russia are being reciprocated. America is fine.

All of Africa, most of S E Asia and Latin America are reticent, dont agree, but dont want to offend. This includes India.

It is only America up for war, and Europe ex UK are bullied into supporting.              

This is the biggest by far of all the monumental American Foreign Policy disasters - Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen ... - it is unfolding before your eyes.

So yes, I cannot make any sense of this, the solution is what was available in 2015 but with the subsequent loss of a country's people and infrastructure, and yes what we see is not what we hear on MSM - we are being fed a pack of lies.


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