Wednesday 25 May 2022


25 May 2022
All the crocodile tears, ok never mind. Big question is:

"What did they know that we didn't?"

No-one risks throwing away their life for a glass of wine. Conclusion: there was no risk, not to these people. And they knew it.

For me, there are two possible explanations, one is political and the other psychological.

The, the govt, could not lock down particular sections of the population and let other groups, the majority, carry on with their life, without obviously risking huge civil strife and dislocation .

How could they lockdown the elderly, the weak and probably the poor and let the majority carry on and party through covid?

A quite different explanation from a human nature point of view and a quite sinister appreciation of Human Nature: this is what happens when a government wins absolute Power - they just abuse it. They abuse and take away our freedom, because they can - that's what almost all politicians are interested in : the power to control the lives of others ... sick, isn't it.

A taste of 1984, a taste of things to come, if you give them the chance to take away your freedom, you can be sure they will.


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