Sunday 8 May 2022


8 May 2022

That is very well put together and explained. 

She says how much, who's getting it, what you get, and why war is good for business.

She quotes from Eisenhower in his farewell address to the American people on 17 Jan 1961:

Eisenhower gives alternative govt uses for that money. Keeping up in the arms race is what broke the Soviet Union.

It's outside her frame in this 8 minute video to say what proportion of US debt is attributable to govt purchases, nor that US tax payers will have to repay this debt and so in the final analysis forego domestic programs - schools, hospitals, infrastructure - which could make America great again.

She does wonder if manufacturing at this scale is necessary.

She doesn't mention the inflation that QE is causing, nor the tax hikes, interest rate rises, QT, all needed to stave off collapse of the US economy. 

We are reminded in whose interests is this war - and it's not the people. And the massive death and destruction.

We don't want peace through victory, we want peace without victory.


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