Tuesday 24 May 2022


 25 May 2022


                Macron has kept open an intelligence line and works, in Europen style, on the diplomacy Macron is quite right to want to avoid humiliation - he knows his history, his country suffered most after Germany was humiliated at Versailles.

But a different advice comes from arch realist Kissinger. Concede the land taken and call it quits. And this, most observers think, is what will happen.

Let's hope it comes to pass because otherwise of all the American blenders since the Cold War this will surely be the greatest.

I don't know if you can say that this has been the most stupid of America's Wars, but there is no question that the solution, when it comes, had been available before the War started.  


  Although Putin invaded Ukraine, the Americans started this war for the same reason as they started all their other wars, going back to the time of the Dulles brothers and the Monroe doctrine.

Looking out from America, the President, whoever he may be, sees Asia on the one hand across the Pacific and Europe on the other across the Atlantic . What America will not tolerate is a regional hegemon emerging in Asia or Europe. It does not want Germany or Russia or China, forming an alliance with one or more countries in the Americas, and threatening its world domination.

The aim of this war has been cited many times, and by Biden and Pelosi, and it is quite simply to weaken Russia.

How they do it can be found in the report from RAND : RR3063.pdf. It details 15 dark op.s, amongst other things.

This is very dark, deep realpolitik. But the explanation America gives the public is the liberal rhetoric - call it propaganda - that we read every day in our newspapers and watch on breakfast TV.         


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