Sunday, 29 May 2022


Saturday, 28 May 2022


28 May 2022

In trying to understand the underlying interests of the parties we should detach ourselves to some extent from personalities and even contemporary politics and we should instead take account of the geography of the countries, the demographics of the people and the wealth and technology of the economies.


Russia itself is a flat plain and after the collapse of the Soviet Union its natural defences - mountains, seas, gaps - came to be found in other countries.

Russia in its long history has being invaded over 50 times, by almost everyone, from Sweden, Germany, France and Turkey and even Canada!

The border between Russia and central Europe stretches from Finland through the Baltics, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia and the Caucuses.

America promised that these countries would remain neutral, but the reality is that NATO took them all in barring Finland and Ukraine and moved its tanks and artillery right up to within a few hundred kms of Moscow.

After the last war there were only two  countries left standing out of the previous five world players. It was the cold war, a bipolar world, and then with the collapse of Soviet Russia it became "the unipolar moment" and we thought that history had ended and the future of the world would be love, dope, coca-cola and democracy, through to the end of time.


But America is a jealous master and had other ideas. America will not tolerate any potential regional competitor, neither in Europe, nor in Asia, because such a country might form alliances and gang up against America and take away its world domination.

In the case of Europe, which lost Russia at the end of the cold war, America's fear is that Europe, in the shape of Germany or the EU, ally its wealth and technology with Russia's resources and low-cost manpower. As for America's interest in Asia, there it fears the rise of a regional hegemon in the form of China.

Under pressure from America, Europe seems to have lost its head. Europe is overcome by the suffering of its neighbour the Ukrainian people and is shocked at the disrespect for for its values. It has no military and it has no strategy either, other than to defer to America for a political lead and military protection.

Furthermore, by pushing for enlargement of the EU, America and the UK have weakened the EU and its decision-making process, and at the same time created a wonderful market in what is the richest region on the planet, for its arms and agriculture.


Russia made it abundantly clear that it needed the Crimea, a neutral Ukraine and respect for the Russian speakers of the eastern provinces, but America did not want to listen. "Let's get this war done", it said.

By its geography, Russia is a pulsating and quite aggressive country whose border with central Europe has fluctuated over the centuries. No sooner has it extended its border over the natural defences that lay in neighbouring countries, than these countries resist and take back control.

So those are the reasons for this war as concerns Russia and America - though you would not guess this from the propaganda.

As to the success of Russia's invasion, it may be winning the war on the ground, it may link the homeland to its port on the Black Sea, but it had not reckoned with Ukrainian resistance, European sanctions, nor NATO reinforcement.

America's Strategy

Through NATO America has effectively seized Europe, stopped self-interested reflection and now with Ukraine is hoping to put in a Trojan horse to ensure its continuing interests. 

America's true interest and fear is the rise of China. You might think that Ukraine is a sideshow and be surprised at this distraction. But it could also be argued that America has led Russia into this trap and is using Ukraine to unite Europe under its direction and strengthen NATO and have ready a force to counter China.


As for little Ukraine, it is completely bullied by America into fighting its enormous neighbour. "We'll fight this war to the last Ukrainian". America supplies the arms, Ukraine the manpower. 

You might think Zelensky is the madman of the three (Putin and Biden) as his country and his people are being pounded into submission, but turn-by-turn he begs Putin for peace talks and he pleads with America for more and heavier arms.

Action and Communication

The handle I have found the most useful to understand this war is that all the rhetoric and moralising that you read about is purely propaganda, and from both sides, sent out each morning from the Intelligence units to the Main Stream Media, for copy-pasting into the public mind; while the reality is entirely the self-interest of each of the belligerents, in geopolitical and demographic terms. 

It is the anarchic nature of the system of nation states, the absence of any real hierarchy or higher authority meaning there is no-one to enforce any rules, so we are left with it is the strongest who wins. And with its vast emperium and position of absolute strength and in the absence of any constraint or hindrance, America can completely let itself go and get away with pretty much anything it likes... who is going to take Biden (or Putin) to an international court, for example?

The voice of reason and diplomacy is found in old Europe, Merkel was and Macron is advocates for peace, but who's listening, when will they be heard by rhe Americans?


So finally America has the war that it has been provoking since 2014 and before.

After drought, pandemic and war (in that order), we now have famine immediately affecting 250 million people and in not so long from now almost two billion worldwide.

On the economic front, inflation - a supposedly temporary feature coming out of covid - looks to be beyond the reach of central banks, beyond the reach of local interest rate rises, and to become a structural part of our life. With the war, inflation has increased very seriously, particularly in gas, oil and basic foodstuffs.

With rising inflation and interest rates, we can expect lower demand for goods and services, lower profit margins, an increase in bankruptcies, rising unemployment and eventually a stock market crash and recession and harm to the American Order (and that means us).

We should not lose sight of the context. Two billion persons added in the last 20 years. The changes from our alterations to the climate. And a retrenchment away from global dependencies supported by the American Order. Demographics. Climate change. Deglobalisation. 

As we know from history, dislocation on this scale will lead to serious political and social unrest and huge migrations.

If Europe wants to protect itself, it must get back in the driving seat of its future, however hard it is to confront the usual bullying tactics of America, and force a peace settlement on (a grateful) Ukraine and Russia.

In addition, Europe should take care of its neighbours around the mediterranean basin and Africa.

Food and Agriculture Resilience Mission, FARM.

We know that an "I'm alright Jack" attitude would rebound on us quite quickly with major migratory flows, and so it is reassuring to see Europe mounting this FARM initiative (ha ha the name) the other side of the Med and in Africa. This seems a much more responsible use of resources than pouring hi-tech arms and military experts into Ukraine.

It is time for pompom Johnson to go and for the UK government to separate itself from the numerous and evident stupidities of the Biden administration.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022


25 May 2022
All the crocodile tears, ok never mind. Big question is:

"What did they know that we didn't?"

No-one risks throwing away their life for a glass of wine. Conclusion: there was no risk, not to these people. And they knew it.

For me, there are two possible explanations, one is political and the other psychological.

The, the govt, could not lock down particular sections of the population and let other groups, the majority, carry on with their life, without obviously risking huge civil strife and dislocation .

How could they lockdown the elderly, the weak and probably the poor and let the majority carry on and party through covid?

A quite different explanation from a human nature point of view and a quite sinister appreciation of Human Nature: this is what happens when a government wins absolute Power - they just abuse it. They abuse and take away our freedom, because they can - that's what almost all politicians are interested in : the power to control the lives of others ... sick, isn't it.

A taste of 1984, a taste of things to come, if you give them the chance to take away your freedom, you can be sure they will.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022


 25 May 2022


                Macron has kept open an intelligence line and works, in Europen style, on the diplomacy Macron is quite right to want to avoid humiliation - he knows his history, his country suffered most after Germany was humiliated at Versailles.

But a different advice comes from arch realist Kissinger. Concede the land taken and call it quits. And this, most observers think, is what will happen.

Let's hope it comes to pass because otherwise of all the American blenders since the Cold War this will surely be the greatest.

I don't know if you can say that this has been the most stupid of America's Wars, but there is no question that the solution, when it comes, had been available before the War started.  


  Although Putin invaded Ukraine, the Americans started this war for the same reason as they started all their other wars, going back to the time of the Dulles brothers and the Monroe doctrine.

Looking out from America, the President, whoever he may be, sees Asia on the one hand across the Pacific and Europe on the other across the Atlantic . What America will not tolerate is a regional hegemon emerging in Asia or Europe. It does not want Germany or Russia or China, forming an alliance with one or more countries in the Americas, and threatening its world domination.

The aim of this war has been cited many times, and by Biden and Pelosi, and it is quite simply to weaken Russia.

How they do it can be found in the report from RAND : RR3063.pdf. It details 15 dark op.s, amongst other things.

This is very dark, deep realpolitik. But the explanation America gives the public is the liberal rhetoric - call it propaganda - that we read every day in our newspapers and watch on breakfast TV.         

Saturday, 21 May 2022


21 May 2022

Anyone who still thinks that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was "unprovoked" could take a look at the advice the American government commissioned from RAND and has been following for the last 3 years. 

Then, look back to Maidan 2014/5, a purely internal event? Or orchestrated by the CIA? Which led to Russia's officially annexing Crimea.

The RAND report examines a range of "nonviolent" measures - such as arming Ukraine - the United States could take to stress (it says "extend") Russia's military, its economy and the regime's political standing at home and abroad.

The "measures" (dark ops projects) would not have defense or deterrence as their prime purpose, although they might contribute to both. 

Rather, they would provoke Russia into competing in  areas where the United States has a competitive advantage, causing Russia to overextend itself militarily or economically or causing the regime to lose domestic and/or international prestige and  influence.

RAND presented their report in 2019. They developed 15 ops-proposals in all - here are six to destabilise Russia in the geopolitical domain:

Measure 1: Provide Lethal Aid to Ukraine
Measure 2: Increase Support to the Syrian Rebels
Measure 3: Promote Regime Change in Belarus
Measure 4: Exploit Tensions in the South Caucasus
Measure 5: Reduce Russian Influence in Central Asia
Measure 6: Challenge Russian Presence in Moldova.


The report

Thursday, 12 May 2022


12 May 2022
Europe really needs to take care of itself. This is a long-term goal that became a possibility, more a dream really, after Brexit. The lead could be taken by Britain or France, largely with German funding.
The main opponent of such a move would of course be America. And it is a long-term goal because manufacturing the support of the numerous European elites, within or without the EU, is no mean challenge. Then there is the technological challenge of catching up with American weaponry which again would not be easy given the smaller volume runs.
But Europe has easily the potential to be the number one world top dog and I'm sure this is always what is in the back of Johnson's mind, even if onstage he behaves as America's chief pom-pom girl. Furthermore, this advisor's original advice (writing as "Dig Two Graves", since this was the risk if the EU failed to make substantive concessions) after the Brexit win was to include Russia in such an alliance on the basis of its commodities and agriculture, and that one should “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer".
This makes eminent sense today though it is alas rather too late - with America in charge, we've reached a pretty awful state all round.

Wednesday, 11 May 2022


11 May 2022

                 CSA recommended in the aftermath of Brexit that Europe take care if itself and that this would fall to France or Britain to organise and lead, largely paid for by Germany.

The lead time may be long - political consensus takes time to build, European technology lags behind in most areas, the production volumes are not there at present - but the need is urgent as we cannot have American interference in our affairs and the disasters that always follow, we must take charge of our destiny.

Recall the reason for America's ingerence : they seek to preserve their world dominion and see Europe, particulary an alliance between Germany and Russia, as the most likely threat. They are right.             

Tuesday, 10 May 2022


10 May 2022

A fascinating exploration of the lives of Foster and Alan Dulles:

So much is so very very wrong. The Americas, Trudeau and Biden, are so way way out on a limb, far from reason and common sense.
I cannot understand this.

Don't think it is new. There is a fascinating account of the Dulles brothers instigation of six covert op.s to assasinate, overthrow, change, regimes - Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Indonesia, Congo, Cuba.
It's by Stephen Kinder: The Brothers
The senseless irrationality of it! With no evidence for their accusations.

That was in the 50s, but is so relevent today.

It leaves you speechless.

And the widespread popular support for this is a collective madness. Our propaganda machines are so powerful. The whole population is ready to be cannon fodder for American exceptionalism.

Europeans seem to be thoughtful and considerate, but weak and easily bullied by our mad backward former colony.

Monday, 9 May 2022



 9 May 2022

                Capitalism requires freedom and private ownership. The idea is to create enterprises that buy and sell goods and services purely for profit. The limited company allowed shareholders to provide start-up capial and be included on the Board as owners.

However, what's happened is that for various reasons, the group of shareholders running the company was broadened to include all stakeholders.

These new stakeholders brought new values and additional goals to the direction of the company and thus instead of capitalism we got a left-wing corporatism. Personally, I can see this heading to a WEF world.

Musk and his band are a reform movement whose mission is to purify and restore the founding values and create a New Capitalism.             

Sunday, 8 May 2022


8 May 2022

That is very well put together and explained. 

She says how much, who's getting it, what you get, and why war is good for business.

She quotes from Eisenhower in his farewell address to the American people on 17 Jan 1961:

Eisenhower gives alternative govt uses for that money. Keeping up in the arms race is what broke the Soviet Union.

It's outside her frame in this 8 minute video to say what proportion of US debt is attributable to govt purchases, nor that US tax payers will have to repay this debt and so in the final analysis forego domestic programs - schools, hospitals, infrastructure - which could make America great again.

She does wonder if manufacturing at this scale is necessary.

She doesn't mention the inflation that QE is causing, nor the tax hikes, interest rate rises, QT, all needed to stave off collapse of the US economy. 

We are reminded in whose interests is this war - and it's not the people. And the massive death and destruction.

We don't want peace through victory, we want peace without victory.

Saturday, 7 May 2022


7 May 2022

Plague, war, famine, global warming, migrations, rioting.

The indicators are all on red, with major economic consequences that states cannot foresee - cause-effect chains, feedback loops, multipliers -  and may not have the resources to buffer. Eg the energy bills you mention; or who'd have thought gas and fertiliser were so tightly bound? or the 700 container ships waiting outside Shanghai port for covid clearance.

In addition, we are nearing the end of a long debt-cycle and central banks are raising rates and tightening money supply, with recession and maybe depression beckoning, clubmed economies could really suffer, the Euro is threatened, the EU even.

For investors, demand and revenues will surely be hit by inflation costs will be hit when it comes to rolling over debt at the new higher interest rates then you get into a downgraded spiral and there's no money for investment but it is precisely higher productivity that lowers prices and raises wages.

Globally, the three blocks are going down three different plugholes, with Europe probably tumbling down the deepest.

And not much of this seems to have been predictable or is much controllable. Turkey inflation is 70%, Egypt eats the most bread in the world and all the wheat comes from Russia and Ukraine. The least well-off are the most numerous,  though excessive diversification and wokism aggravates everyone, pushing govt.s to erect barriers of all kinds.

Friday, 6 May 2022


This one had me puzzled for a while. We know that America is "the indispensable country" - God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America~Otto von Bismarc.
Russia’s Manifest Destiny

We can pit Patriach Krill head of the Russian Orthodox church in Moscoe, against the Pope in Rome:


"Russia has never attacked anyone — it’s amazing that such a great and powerful country has only ever defended its borders” 

"May God grant that our country remains like this till the end of the century: strong, powerful, and loved by God. . . May the Lord protect our Russian land from internecine strife and invasion by foreigners, and strengthen the Orthodox faith, the only spiritual force that can truly hold our people together.”


The Pope deplored the “macabre regression of humanity” taking place in Ukraine, and demanded an end to “continued military and verbal escalation” and the “perverse spiral of weapons”.

Manifest destiny

What is this, Russia's "manifest destiny"?

Sea power and land powers, from Athens v Sparta to Russia v America, are fated to clash. The global seat of land power — inner Eurasia aka "the Homeland", the territory of the Russian Empire — is forever  in global competition with the sea power, the United States, reprrsented in Europe by the UK, the "rimpower".

Alexander Dugin is or was a right wing intellectual and bohemian, who emerged from the time of Perestroika in the the 80s as Russia’s chief nationalist.

Russia's MVV (after Dugin, as adopted from Mackinder):

MISSION An irresistible destiny to accomplish this essential duty to expand out of the (indefensible) Eurasian plain, over the nine gateways (Baltic, Polish gap, Suwalki gap, Carpathian mountaims, Bassarabian ....), over and into Central European plain and on to the warm waters and defeat the sea people (originally UK, but now updated to the Atlantic power: the States.

VISION To redeem and remake the West in the image of Russian Orthodoxyianism...I might be wrong on this one. This is about what system of governance you want: authoritarian or democratic.

VALUES The special virtues of the Russian people (not vodkism, please) and their institutions (somewhat personalised by dear Putin, but then there was Stalin as the gold standard in dictatorship).

This follows a routine SWOT analysis based in the reality that 


There are many determinants of foreign policy. Geography is the most deterministic of constraints.

The Rus were dealt a really poor hand. They are like The Hordes, a people of the plains, the Eurasian landmass is their land. The plain continues to the West onto the plain of central Europe, with - as I see it so maybe I've misunderstood - defensive natural barriers for Russia, but these are just beyond Russia's grasp.  Russia has 2,000 kilometers of long and vulnerable borderland rhat it must defend to stop any invasion from a well-funded and technologically sophisticated Western European sea-power.

What are these natural defences? The Carpathian mountains - but alas, they're in Romania! Access to the Black Sea - it's in Ukraine! (or was). The Suwalki Gap which also gives access to the Baltic Sea - it's the other side of the Balkans (but Russia has Kaliningrad at the other end of the Gap - see a map)!

And so on - there are nine such gateways that enemies use to invade (identified in a Zeihan Youtube pres.), and Russia must have them under lock and key, to feel secure. They'd need to plug the Transnistra gap in tiny Moldova. It's been invaded by the Swedes through the three Baltic countries so there are three NATO countries Putin would also need to invade (was he really planning this? Surely not.), the French through Belarus, twice by the Germans through the Polish gap, the Bessarabian gap in Romania favoured by the Turks. Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia complete the nontep.

Geography means Russia's manifest destiny is to expand westwards into central Europe, a messianic duty or survival necessity as you wish, and capture the nine gateways. 

So it's not about personal ambition or nationalism or imperialism or historic revenge, it is a purely rational strategy to ensure national survival, it is about Russia's understandable insecurity.




  It is a cost to Russia maybe, but the really big costs are being born by America & UK. Europe is being bullied into following.

That senile fool in the White House is bragging about sinking the Moskva and shooting down a Russian transporyer carrying hundreds of young men.

Biden's advisors are openly calling for a war - this is war between two nuclear armed powers. (India and Pakistan? No, America and Russia.)

What you say is true: what we see doesnt fit with what we read

The people who know, military men, say that Russia will win in Ukraine.

Although right up to 23 Feb, most of us couldn't believe that America and Russia would be so stupid as to go to war with each other in Ukraine. But they did.

Now, Russia is doing what it always does, which is to totally trash the country. And Russia is now on top of the arms supply routes that were making a difference. They tell us the West is winning but actually the data points otherways. Truth is, there are no winners and the biggest losers are Ukraine and perhaps we haven't seen even a quarter of what is to come.

1.7 billion people in food insecurity and poverty because wheat, corn and fertiliser is not available in 2019 quantities and at prices .

Gas and oil we know about. Begging bowl out to pariahs Iran and Venezuela. Again, America is safe - far away, safe, independent.

Sanctions against Russia are being reciprocated. America is fine.

All of Africa, most of S E Asia and Latin America are reticent, dont agree, but dont want to offend. This includes India.

It is only America up for war, and Europe ex UK are bullied into supporting.              

This is the biggest by far of all the monumental American Foreign Policy disasters - Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen ... - it is unfolding before your eyes.

So yes, I cannot make any sense of this, the solution is what was available in 2015 but with the subsequent loss of a country's people and infrastructure, and yes what we see is not what we hear on MSM - we are being fed a pack of lies.

Tuesday, 3 May 2022


7 July 2022



Gold is same price everywhere in the world.

The purpose of buying gold is to insure against currency collapse or at least to have money that cannot be touched by any counter-party, for spending in retirement or when unemployed.

However history has shown that there is a real risk that the government will not tolerate individuals holding gold and if they know where you are they will call and take it off you. See last section.


Buy in cash, not credit card, to save 3% fee.




No tax on nuggets (bars) (normally 7% in Thailand).

But tax is 7% on jewellry (7% is low compared to my country).

Jewellry - a bracelet and necklace - I can take out of Thailand and into my country. But this is very difficult - I would sell in Thailand.




Low commission. About 0.02%.





For jewellry, pay for workmanship (ทักษะฝีมือ) - 500b (?) for a simple necklace.

When you sell, you do not get back the ทักษะฝีมือ fee.




Pure - in my country, pure 100% gold is 24 karat. Most gold is 18 karat = 75% pure.

In Thailand, you buy 96.5% pure (see the website) which is 23.2 karat.

But be careful with the gold - 96.5% is very soft.




Need to buy a cheap scale that can fit in your pocket so you can verify weight measurements of any gold you buy. Get a precise 0.01g scale.

จำเป็นต้องซื้อเครื่องชั่งน้ำหนักราคาถูกที่สามารถใส่ในกระเป๋าของคุณได้ เพื่อให้คุณสามารถตรวจสอบการวัดน้ำหนักของทองคำที่คุณซื้อได้  รับสเกล 0.01g ที่แม่นยำ




Your shop. Is it in Chinatown? We need the biggest and the oldest shops in Chinatown. They won't scam.



There is a big difference between the density of gold and silver: gold is 19.32 g/cm3, silver only 10.49 g/cm3.

With the result that a 1 oz bar of gold will be almost half as small as a 1 oz bar of silver.


The gold/silver ratio changes. It is the weight of silver it takes to purchase one ounce of gold. If the ratio is 25 to 1, that means, at the current price, you could use 25 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold. 25 to 1 would be considered a narrow ratio. 

A narrow ratio indicates that silver’s relative value is up and a wide ratio indicates that gold’s relative value is up. This ratio is an indicator that can be used to determine the right and wrong times to buy or sell gold and silver.  


If you are buying gold to cover a shortfall of income at some point in the future, then bear in mind that you may want to sell small portions of gold - perhaps single coin - and therefore when you purchase gold keep in mind this requirement to later sell gold in small units.


There are three main ways to gain exposure to the gold price as a retail investor: bars and coins, gold-backed exchange traded funds and gold mining equities.

Bars and coins give you a piece of metal you can store at home, giving you something physical to hold in your hands. They range in size from one-tenth of an ounce to one kilo or larger. The disadvantage is that the premiums to pay over the spot gold price to buy bars and coins can be substantial, meaning there is a big transaction cost once you sell the gold back, as well as storage and insurance costs.

Gold-backed ETFs have evolved into two main categories of high and low-cost products. These save the buyer from taking physical custody of the bullion. The higher-cost products provide greater liquidity with low transaction costs but are better suited to fund managers moving hundreds of millions of dollars at a time. For retail investors, a newer generation of ETFs with lower management fees and less liquidity are better suited such as Invesco’s Physical Gold ETF or BlackRock’s iShares Gold Trust.

Gold mining company equities is another option to gain exposure to prices of the yellow metal. However, these can come with surprises, positive and negative. If discoveries are made, the share price may rally sharply but if there are technical or political problems, the shares can tank irrespective of the gold price. The world’s largest gold mining companies — Newmont, Barrick Gold and Agnico Eagle Mines — are all dual-listed on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges. Gold mining equity funds including VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF are a way to diversify risks.

Precious metals streaming companies are another set of equities to consider, since they take small cuts on sales of many projects in return for providing financing, meaning the risks of each project or company is diluted in a broader portfolio. Among the largest listed precious metals streaming groups are Canada’s Franco-Nevada and Wheaton Precious Metals.


Here is a persuasive set of arguments for buying gold. This is at 25 March 2023

I follow and agree with all the arguments made in that video. In particular, there's a line something like, 

"How to manage members of the general public, who have more faith in the system than people people sitting round this table do"

At offset Kitco 13'40".

Notice who is sitting round the table. This is an FDIC meeting and the table is members of its systemic resolution advisory committee, SRAC

The SRAC advises the FDIC on how to manage threats to "too big to fail" financial institutions. Love it. 

The quandary they are in is how to prepare such institutions - and the bond holders and depositors - for a systemic failure, whilst at the same time making sure these depositors and bondholders do nothing about it ... for example they don't pull their deposits or sell their bonds.

I suppose first you sting them, to numb and paralyse; and then you suck out all their funds. Ha ha.

But I would say two things about this video and its concluding advice to buy gold.

1. One is that it's a video promoted by the Gold Mining whatever they call themselves, so raise one eyebrow "-).

2. And the other thing is that if all goes in the way they suggest, and you have a safe under the floorboards stuffed full of gold and silver, tge fiat currency collapses as per the govt plan, there's a smooth transition to the new central bank digital curreny, and now the government is running a tight ship using its digital currency.

So, what makes you think that if you take your gold to the bank, they will give you the digital currency equivalent that you need to buy bread and pay your rent?

Wouldn't it be more likely that before the transition, the government says,
"bring us your gold! Bring us your silver! and  we will give you the digital currency equivalent, but after the transition we will not recognise your gold"

And probably what they'll do instead, is call on you - because when you buy gold you have to declare your name and address - locate and break into your safe, and take your gold and put it into their safe!

So raise the other eyebrow ""-).


Considering relative weight and price, in the light of confiscation risk, you might like to consider whether it is worth holding this insurance in silver rather than gold or some mixture of the two. This is because the authorities would be very unlikely to call to collect your silver, whereas with gold if the s*** hits the fan they will almost certainly find out where you are and take your gold.




Gold internationally is usually measured in Troy ounces. One ounce = 31.1035 grams.


A baht of gold is just under one half troy ounce.


When wr speak of “One ounce of gold”, we typically mean one troy ounce = 31,1035 gram of 100% pure gold.


When a Thai speaks of “One baht of gold”, you typically mean 15.24 grams of 96,5% pure gold = 14.71 grams of 100% pure gold.





-Check shop







 ซื้อด้วยเงินสด ไม่ใช่บัตรเครดิต เพื่อประหยัดค่าธรรมเนียม 3%




 ไม่มีภาษีนักเก็ต (บาร์) (ปกติ 7% ในประเทศไทย)

 แต่ภาษีสำหรับเครื่องประดับคือ 7% (7% ต่ำเมื่อเทียบกับประเทศของฉัน)

 Jewellry - สร้อยข้อมือและสร้อยคอ - ฉันสามารถนำออกจากประเทศไทยและเข้าประเทศของฉันได้  แต่มันยากมาก - ฉันจะขายในประเทศไทย




 ค่าคอมมิชชั่นต่ำ  ประมาณ 0.02%


 ฝีมือ (ฝีมือ)


 สำหรับเครื่องประดับก็จ่ายสำหรับฝีมือ (ทักษะฝีมือ) - 500b (?) สำหรับสร้อยคอแบบเรียบๆ





 เพียว - ในประเทศของฉัน ทองแท้ 100% คือ 24 กะรัต  ทองคำส่วนใหญ่เป็น 18 กะรัต = บริสุทธิ์ 75%

 ในประเทศไทย คุณซื้อบริสุทธิ์ 96.5% (ดูเว็บไซต์) ซึ่งเท่ากับ 23.2 กะรัต

 แต่ระวังด้วยทองคำ - 96.5% อ่อนมาก




 จำเป็นต้องซื้อเครื่องชั่งน้ำหนักราคาถูกที่สามารถใส่ในกระเป๋าของคุณได้ เพื่อให้คุณสามารถตรวจสอบการวัดน้ำหนักของทองคำที่คุณซื้อได้  รับสเกล 0.01g ที่แม่นยำ

 พยายามซื้อเครื่องกลราคาตรงที่ท้าทายในกระเป๋าที่ท้าทาย รับยอดเยี่ยงว...




 ร้านค้าของคุณ  อยู่ที่ไชน่าทาวน์หรือเปล่าคะ?  เราต้องการร้านค้าที่ใหญ่ที่สุดและเก่าแก่ที่สุดในไชน่าทาวน์  พวกเขาจะไม่หลอกลวง


 หมายเหตุเกี่ยวกับมาตรการ - ทรอยออนซ์ / บาท


 ทองคำในประเทศของฉันมักจะวัดเป็นหน่วยทรอยออนซ์  หนึ่งออนซ์ = 31.1035 กรัม




 เมื่อฝรั่งพูดถึง “ทองหนึ่งออนซ์” เรามักจะหมายถึงหนึ่งทรอยออนซ์ = 31,1035 กรัมของทองคำบริสุทธิ์ 100%


 เมื่อคนไทยพูดถึง "ทองหนึ่งบาท" โดยทั่วไปแล้วคุณหมายถึงทองคำบริสุทธิ์ 96,5% 15.24 กรัม = ทองคำบริสุทธิ์ 100% 14.71 กรัม




