Saturday 9 April 2022


8 April 2022

Robert Greene:

Greene is a bit of a master manipulator machiavellian figure, except he tells all through a string of best sellers on POWER, SEDUCTION, WAR, STRATEGY, MASTERY and THE LAWS OF HUMAN NATURE.

His last book - the one on human nature - explains how we work, as a biological and human being. What drives us - me, you, others - and how to optimise our life and fight off bad people.

Worth adding that he is a Google brain and a best selling author. Many top people have turned to him to realise their ambitions.

How Greene can help

For example, perhaps you feel elites today are partly responsible for the serial  crises that afflict us, or at least, they take advantage of the opportunity to control, silence and railroad us.

They spend taxes receipts on their hobby horse subjects - QE, covid, woke, war.

They care for us in paternalistic ways that deny us agency in our lives, distract us from important questions of what direction we want to go in, with trivia and irrelevency.

We feel if not abandonned, then humoured, not consulted, powerless.

We are more and more impoverished, our assets slip through our fingers into their pockets.

What's helpful with Greene is that his $20 books let you get past the string of crisis that we are forced to submit to, see through the propaganda, the why of "why are they doing this to us?" and get a bit of perspective and tools to fight our corner.


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