Thursday 28 April 2022


28 April 2022

Matt Hancock: Public Health England to blame for sending patients to care homes without Covid tests

As usual, Matt is deserving only of praise.

1. Sending patients back untested was a political decision since its purpose was to clear the wards. I personally know of care homes that refused to re-admit untested patients at that time period ie from day 1. So it is not true that the cause was ignorance or lack of awareness and everyone knows asymptomatic transmission is usual.

2. Secondly, Matt held the highest post in the land. It is a really inane comment he makes when he says "well no-one told me". a) it is not true, as cited above, but more fundamentally b) it is the manager's job to think and ask questions.

3. Last point. The NHS and Matt had plenty enough time to consider and report on this - why did it take two years and an external enquiry?

Having said all that, we must be forgiving of each other as intentions were not malicious.

The advice given at the time by the author of this blogg was to spend £15 billion on isolating care homes and re-inforcing all covid-related measures. The focus should have been very much on the vulnerable and not a whole-society "whatever it takes" treatment, with the population of young fit and healthy being free to acquire immunity naturally, and the economy kept up and running as far as possible.

The reason for blanket lockdowns and door-to-door testing was the policy of zero-covid, zero tolerance. Not only is that unrealistic, it is unecessary.
A focused approach was needed. And in the focus is first the elderly. This is widely known and was obvious at the time, but public fear reached fever pitch. Now here's the thing.
This also explains Partygate. It explains a lot of the troubles in our society. Those in positions of responsibility know very well the risks are to minority groups and are otherwise negligeable, so parties are fine amongst the healthy; but the public and MSM so whip up a frenzy of fearful emotions that managers have to temporarly cede control to the mob.
This is an important point, in my humble estimation.


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