Saturday 12 March 2022


12 March 2022

Macron is the only politician keeping in touch with Putin. Good for Macron.

But otherwise, Macron is one of those hussard rowdy types. He needs to be a bit less flamboyant and declarative, he needs to listen and concentrate more, be less concerned by public opnion and focus more on policy, make attainable objectives instead of massive shattering unreachable goals esp given the coffers are empty, he needs to recognise that France is a middle-ranking power and he isn't some emperor-in-waiting, get away from the illusion of action and into real actions for the medium term for the european powers that be.

He really is foolish to crticise the UK the way he does and drive us further from common European interests.

He doesn't seem to recognise France's role or what will make France great again, which is more about listening and mediating and waiting with patience for results. He should help Germany find back its confidence so it can express itself on matters of foreign policy and this will help Germany loosen its tight purse strings, to facilitate a Europe that can take care of itself, promote peace in the world, and not need America or NATO who are remarkably aggressive and have goals quite unrelated to Europe's, with values quite the opposite of the values learnt in Europe after 400 years of war.             


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