Saturday 19 March 2022


19 March 2022

She said: "We don't see any serious withdrawal of Russian troops or any serious proposals on the table."

America and her chorus girl the UK are not looking for peace. If they were, they would surely not expect the other side to remove their army before sitting at table to negotiate. That would be the other side sitting having surrendered.

It is also a shame for us all that America pretends no serious proposals have been made, considering this is Russia's last stand.

This is just the neocons, or call then Liberal Internationalists if you prefer, making war to spread their idea of government and prop up the American Order. Did it work in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria...? No, it just led to bloodbaths and debt enough to shake the foundations of our democracies to the ground.

So, I am very very happy to live in a democracy. It is the best form of government. Except it lets in these greedy and deeply stupid warmongers.

The idea would be to make plain to Putin what reforms are necessary for Russia to join a (reformed) EU. And thus share Russia's abundant resources.

And - and this is even more difficult - start the process of making Europe independent. NATO is America's mercenary army, it obeys American central command.

Europe is the home of civilisation today. With China and America both in decline - for different reasons - we need to prepare the next Order. We have 10 to 20 years. Let's start now.              


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