Monday 28 March 2022


28 March 2022

Putin thinks so.

In an unscripted speech in Poland this last week, Mr Biden said of Putin: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

Yes well, how embarrasing, in a senior moment, Biden forgot he was the POTUS and let slip America's true intention, regime change wherever converting the world's autocracies into democracies and oppression turns to human rights.

Or put it another way, eliminate the competition and stay on top, Master of the World, forever.

We all know this as we read between the propagandas. In any case, who wouldnt want to live in an enlightenment democracy? Of course we do.

Except that this one is in decline and all we can do is point out the mistakes, knowing we won't be heard, the lessons from all previous post-cold war epic American failures. Need I list them? Will this time be any different? Never mind the past failures, what are the lessons?

First is that these days, no invasion of a sovereign country ever works out. Perhaps that was Putin's fundamental mistake, thinking that Ukraine was in Russia. The determination of the people to resist is proof that nationalism is the strongest force in politics - "my country, right or wrong". No point in NATO rolling into Moscow, shock and awe, best another hearts and minds job, tie the russian people into Europe socially and culturally and prosperity, till they do the regime change.

Secondly, what really risks to knock America off its no.1 block is its indebtedness. Too much for a post here, but debt, QE, inequality, civil strife and woke ... it all comes from mismanaging the reserve currency and a lax attitude to surplus diversity.


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