Monday 7 March 2022


Melenchon is a utpoianist who believes man if perfectable. 
I know that man is flawed and only a functioning state with an operational legal system keeps man in place. (Religion can perform the same function.)

Melenchon thinks that the interests of the group must predominate over the freedom of the individual. And these interests are decided by the State. 
I think that direction is not given top-down from some autocracy, but rises bottom-up from the summation of the wishes of the people.

There should only be one party rule because competing interests leads to anarchy.
No! Let those who wish to represent the people put forward their policies for our consideration. The government has no interests other than those of the people.

Melenchon believes that private ownership is "expropriation". He thinks the state should own everything on behalf of the people, and decide how the assets of the country are best used.
I think maximum happiness and efficiency comes from private ownership.

Melenchon thinks that workers are "alienated" from the production process because they only see one little bit of it and do not share equally in the benefits.

Melenchon see society as composed of "classes".
I can see this is useful for a company's marketing and pricing, but society is composed of individuals and families living in nations. Workers do not identify with workers in other countries, individuals identify with those of the same or similar culture, language, credo, values, cuisine, clothes ... their neighbours preferred.


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