Wednesday 2 March 2022


The Russians I'd imagine want to reduce Ukraine to rubble and leave.

I remember the romans did that in the third punic war in 146BC. Not one stone was left standing on another. It took a week to put all the inhabitants of Carthage to the sword. They were throwing them off high buildings, it was quicker.

But you know what?

Carthage was rebuilt, it became the capital of its Roman province and the third most important city of the Roman Empire.

There was a long period of prosperity from rich agricultural exports and a rich cosmopolitan culture.

Christianity came to rule and provided three popes and Augustine of Hippo. Ok Tunisia is all musulman today but that's a thousand years later...

So Ukraine will take the pain and come out better for it. Member of the EU? (After a lengthy period of procedures and protocols). Member of NATO to fight the Chinese alongside the Russians? Maybe.


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