Saturday 12 March 2022


15 March 2022

No country in Europe is sovereign because it is not reponsible for its own defence nor its own foreign policy.
Europe is not sovereign while it pays NATO and the Americans for its defence. It is difficult to say these things and not be lynched. But America gas interests different from those of Europe and sometimes in opposition to. Looking at the wealth and population skills base, Europe could in principle outperform America. What does America care for Europe and Ukraine - so far away, itself independent in energy. It cares more for China.
But consider for a moment the state of its economy (and ours is no different). 14 years after Lehman and still on QE. If cannot carry on printing, the central bank must raise rates in order for the govt to continue financi g itself.
How to continue the American Order set up after the last war? Surely Western sanctions are destroying the American World Order?
War is often the only way out. It destroys competition and permits the takeover of strategic assets. NATO - 21 of the 30 members are from Europe - has made it clear that no planes and no soldiers will be sent. That would escalate a further step, the next being battlefield nuclear, and after that.
War is legitimate if in self-defence or under UN mandate. War needs massive public opinion first, foremost and sustained. Genocide, war crimes, blowing apart hospitals and schools, these bring the public to boiling and the MSM has a role to play here. (And as the Germans know, the russophobia and Russia's own sense of shame,will persist for many decades.)
Is Russia winning, or is it Ukraine? Will individual European countries send fighter jets to take the skies? How to find a way out for Putin, without rewarding him? How can NATO continue to justify its non-intervention in the light of these horrors ( it took three years at Sarajevo ), with Russia raising the country so that no stone is left standing on another?


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