Thursday 24 March 2022


24 March 2022

"There is a faction that has a geopolitical strategy that is happy to drain Russia of power and if it comes at the expense of Ukraine, they're OK doing that". 
The "faction" is the blob, which returned, having got rid of Trump. Hilary Clinton is  making the same case as them, that's all. I notice that it is purely tactical / operational, the how-to of bleeding Russia dry - you never get into the why, except that Putin invaded a so-so sovereign country, true but that's the tail end of a story going back to the early 90s ... but it's enough to start with Maidan in 2014 (the second attempt, Orange Rev was 2004) and Donbas shelling and Crimea after the coup and even Syria in 2015.

It is all straight geo-political stuff on Putin's part. You just need a map and a bit of history to understand where a search for security takes Russia.

The late Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter, in his 1997 book “The Grand Chessboard,” explained why Ukraine is essential to Russia:

“Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire…. However, if Moscow regains control over Ukraine, with its 52 million people [☆] and major resources as well as its access to the Black Sea, Russia automatically again regains the wherewithal to become a powerful imperial state, spanning Europe and Asia.”

Anyway, this video makes a good analysis except for not explaining Crimea as Sebastopol home to Russia's fleet, in the Azov Sea....being realistic, Russia would launch its nukes before giving that up and everyone knows this.

99% of public comment is uninformed. It is just like the spectators on the terraces, a heartbeat, literally, away from what's happening on the pitch. All gobbing the propaganda and cheering on the action. This is how a govt would get even The Woke to the front line in any future conflict  And it is fine if our existence is threatened. But as always in neocon wargames, you get the liberal justification (democracy and human rights) on the surface, while underneath it is grab the land and assets of your neighbours and balance-of-power politics.

But with a map, a bit of history, some demographics; and assuming states will always seek first security and dont know what their neighbours have in mind for them; with that you can get enough perspective for a reasonable rational analysis, avoid the emotions, avoid being someone who cheers at each batch of gov.t propaganda.

[☆Note: Since the 1990s, Ukraine's and Russia's populations have been declining due to high emigration rates, low birth rates, and high death rate from HIV, alcoholism, violence. What we are looking at is almost a case of native Indians that America is trying to finish off before taking over their lands.] 


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